Tuesday, March 20, 2007

11 Months!

Yeah, we got our camera back, and I started taking pictures right away (seriously, as soon as Josh took it out of the box)! Jackson just turned 11 months this past Saturday. He is getting to be such a big boy. He even went to the toddler room (instead of the nursery) at church for a little while on Sunday. He's really growing up.
Here are the latest stats on Jackson:
Jackson now has 6 teeth, 3 on the bottom, 3 on top.
He still LOVES taking baths (he'd stay all day if we let him).
He is a walking maniac.
He loves playing ball (throwing and catching in his lap).
He loves to play outside and go to the park to swing.
He likes white grape juice (not a big fan of apple juice).
He likes pretty much everything we give him to eat,
though especially loves chicken and green beans.
He gets into anything and everything he has access to.
He claps.
He makes the cutest little scrunched up face (anyone who has seen it agrees).

Can you see my teeth? At least the bottom ones?

Mommy can make anything into a game, even laundry.

First time playing outside since the weather's been nice.

All dressed up for church.

Cheese! Now you can see my teeth.

Uh-oh! Who left the bathroom door open?

More play time with Daddy. He's so much fun! He's my best buddy.

Wee! Has anybody seen Daddy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love all the new pictures!! I especially like the one with the toilet paper! Too funny!