Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Derby Day 2006

(Jackson & Grandaddy)
May 6, 2006
Jackson celebrates his first Kentucky Derby by partying (okay, sleeping) at Aunt Rachael and Uncle Carl's Derby party.
(Jackson & Uncle Carl)

Father's Day

June 18, 2006
Happy first Father's Day, Daddy! Jackson woke Daddy up wearing his "I love my Daddy" shirt. Josh is such an awesome daddy.


Splish, splash, Jackson's takin' a bath! This was Jackson's first "real bath" in his tub. He had lots of fun kicking his feet in the water. Daddy calls him a little froggie.

(Picture from June 6, 2006)

Cross Eyed Baby

What a silly little man. Jackson has aqcuired the ability to cross his eyes at quite an early age. He certainly knows how to keep his parents entertained. What a comedian.

(Picture from May 10, 2006)

Two Cool Dudes

Like father, like son. Can you tell that Daddy got Jackson dressed for church this morning? He insisted that Jackson wear his "cool shades" and sandals. How cute!
(Picture from May 21, 2006)


May 14, 2o06
Wow, what a big day this was! Jackson was baptized on Mother's Day, which also happened to be Josh's birthday. We were very blessed to have Pastor Green baptize Jackson before he moved. Jackson was such a good boy during the ceremony. He was still so small that we had to buy him a preemie outfit.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jackson's Grand Entrance

Welcome to the world, Jackson Ryan!
Jackson was born on April 17, 2006 at
11:10 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz., and was 20 in. long. Check out his mass of beautiful, dark hair. No one could believe how much he had.
What a beautiful angel God has blessed us with!