Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jackson's 2nd Birthday!!!

I wanted to share birthday pictures of Jackson, even though his birthday was almost 2 months ago, and I posted so many new pictures in the last post. Jackson had a GREAT birthday and party, and had lots of fun with his family! I still can't believe how fast the last two years have flown by!

Don't worry, it's not blood, it's chocolate icing.
Jackson helped Mama ice his cupcakes (and his forehead).

Jackson was SO excited to see cousin Evan!

Yeah! Party hat!

Aren't I SO cute?!

Aunt Rachael & Uncle Carl putting on Evan's party hat!

Cutie boy!

The boys and their party hats!
Adorable, if I do say so myself!!!

The Pablo cake I made for my Jackson boy.

SO excited to see his cake!
(It made my day too!)

Making a wish!

It was raining off and on the day of his party,
so Jackson had to try out his new tricycle in
the living room.

He loved the singing Backyardigans birthday card
from Grammy & Grandaddy!

The boys and Daddy, all worn out at the end of the day.

On Jackson's actual birthday, I took pictures of him as soon as he woke up (which I also did last year, and plan to continue to do as long as he lets me), let him open a few small presents, and made him birthday pancakes. When Daddy got home, he got to open the rest of his presents, play outside, and eat spaghetti (he LOVES his pasta). Overall, I think he had a great day!

Ready to make a birthday wish!!!

Playing with his new basketball!
(Watch out, cousin Justin, you might have a little competition!)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Two Years & Two Months!!

I know I'm a "little" behind in keeping up with the blog these days, but my boys don't really leave me with too much extra time. I hope you enjoy the BUNCHES and BUNCHES pictures!
So to update . . .

Jackson is officially two years old and Caleb is two months old! Wow, how the time flies!

The latest on Jackson. . .
*At his two year well visit, Jackson weighed 28 lbs. and is 34 1/4 in. tall.
*He is quite the explorer these days, and quite the talker (not that we can understand
everything he's saying yet). He especially loves to say "Love you", "I get it", & "Baby".
*He LOVES to be able to play outside a lot more again; especially going on walks (which he
always takes his lawnmower), going on bike rides with Daddy, and playing in his pool.
*His favorite toys are his too-toos (trains) and cars.
*We're working on potty training a little more these days, and he's doing really well.
*He is repeating A LOT more of what we say.
*He still loves to read.
*He still LOVES to cook. He would seriously be perfectly content to toast and butter bagels all day if I let him.
*He loves to clean. He especially likes to vacuum, use the Swiffer, and clean with baby wipes. (Hopefully this trend will continue.)
*He loves to take baths!!!

He still loves to read!

The shirt says it all,
"BIG TROUBLE comes in small packages."

He would play at the park all day if we let him.

On the "too too" at the zoo with Daddy.


Attempting to ride the cool tricycle Grammy & Grandaddy got
him for his birthday!!!

He still has his sweet moments.

Totally "too too" obsessed!!!

Caught red handed (and stuck)!!!

Cool dude!

Get that lizard (statue)!!!

Goin' for a ride!

How dramatic!

Burning off some energy at the zoo playground!

Riding the zoo's carousel with Daddy!

Riding the train!

What a daddy's boy!!!

Caleb is growing, growing, growing! At his two month well visit, he weighed 12 lbs. 8 oz., and was 23.5 in. long. He's a pretty good sleeper at night; I usually only have to get up once or twice. He likes his play mat and his swing (he couldn't stand it at first), and of course to be cuddled. He is a very smiley boy, and usually content unless he's hungry or tired. We still think he looks a lot like Jackson as an infant, though he's certainly taking on his own features as well (which look a lot like me).
Play time!

Going for a walk!

All stretched out!

Thinking very intently.

Bath time!


Smiley boy!

Sweet boy.

All dressed and ready to go.

Sleeping cousins.
(Well, at least Evan's sleeping.)

Already rolling onto his side!
(He's only done this once.)

Playing with Evan's cool ocean play mat.

All the boys on Mother's Day!

Mama and Caleb on Mother's Day!

Mmmmm. . .yummy hand!

Not so sure about tummy time.

I love the little horsies on his feet!!!

Just the boys!

Aww. . . Brotherly love!!!

What a strong little guy!
(Only 2 months old!)