Tuesday, October 24, 2006

6 Months!

I can't believe that Jackson is six months old! It absoultely blows my mind. At his well child visit he weighed 18 lbs. 5 oz (70th percentile), and was 26.25 in. long (50th percentile). They still think he's going to be a tall boy. I guess he's going to take after his Grandaddy (Swann), who is 6' 5". He is doing very well except for the cough and congestion he's been fighting for four and a half weeks now. His doctor thinks it's allergy related, and we're trying some new medicine. Hopefully it will work. Other than those two symptoms, he's as happy as can be; growing, laughing, and playing. He is sitting by himself, though we still put the Boppy around him when we're not right next to him, just in case he falls. He never ceases to amaze us!

I love this picture, because even though it seems like Jackson is getting so big, it captures how small he still is. It's so cute, I couldn't have gotten a better shot if I had posed them.


We went to Huber's with our Sunday School class on October 15th. Unfortunately, Jackson was a little out of it that day, and could care less about anything that was going on around him. We still had a great time, and can't wait to take him back next year when he can enjoy more of the activities.

Our cute little family.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Many Faces of Jackson

Jackson makes so many adorable expressions. I thought I'd share just a few.

Deer in the headlights?

"Hi everybody! How's it goin'?"

"Aren't I just too cute?"
"Daddy, you're so silly!"

"Hmmm. . . to poop or not to poop, that is the question."

Happy as can be.


We have found that Jackson absoultely LOVES wearing sunglasses! Doesn't he look so cute wearing Mommy's sunglasses?

Here, Jackson is all ready to go shopping with Mommy & Daddy. Aunt Rachael bought these sunglasses for Jackson as soon as she found out we were having a boy, so he could look like Daddy.