Every year, we go to the bowl game that UofL plays in. Luckily, we got to go to Miami for the Orange bowl this year. Unfortunately, my sister and brother-in-law weren't able to make it, and we certainly missed them. Even though Jackson didn't get to go to the game (it didn't start until 8:00 at night), he still got to go on his first vacation. We had so much fun!

Jackson and Grandaddy decided to take a little nap in Charlotte during our lay over. Jackson did such a great job flying for the first time. We were a little nervous, since he was just getting over a cold, but he was such a great little trooper. He loved playing with the airline safety brochure, magazine, and barf bag. He really made me wonder why I even brought any toys for the plane. What was I thinking?

Jackson and Daddy at the UofL fan appreciation party. Everyone was fussing all over Jackson in his Brian Brohm jersey. What can I say, he did look really cute.
(Grammy, Mommy, Daddy, Jackson, & Aunt Brittani)Party!!!

Jackson got to go to the beach for the very first time. You can't really tell from this picture, but he didn't really like to water at first. He warmed up to it eventually, and had a great time.

Hmmm. . . . what's this stuff?

Yummy! (More like YUCKY!)
He only had the one bite, and decided he didn't like it. Oh well, a little bit of roughage won't hurt him, I guess.

Monday night, we went to Fan Fest. Go Cards! Jackson's first tooth also finally popped through that day. Yeah!

Jackson was so exhausted that he slept right through all the loud bands.

What a little cutie pie. . . . . .

. . . in a REALLY BIG chair!