Monday, January 29, 2007

9 Months!

I can't believe that my little baby boy is 9 months old! He has grown and changed so much in the last 9 months. His latest stats from his well visit are as follow: 28.5 inches long (60th percentile), 20 lbs. 11 oz. (60th percentile), and his head circumference is 18 in. (60th percenctile). What a well-rounded little boy he is! Jackson is now cruising like crazy, has 2 teeth, stands on his own for little bits at a time, takes a few steps on his own (usually 2-6 steps), pulls himself up every now and then, is drinking more and more from a sippy cup, and is trying more table foods (esp. bananas, green beans, carrots, peaches, bread, and ham).

Big smiles for the camera!

Jackson LOVES playing with our cell phones.

Cruising by the T.V.

Inspecting Daddy's craftsmanship.

"Am I cute, or what?"

"Okay, so this sippy thing isn't as bad as I thought."

Bath time is soooooo much fun!
Jackson loves scooping up water in his cup and taking big gulps.
Who could resist this cute little face?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the new pics! Jackson is SO adorable. (Of course, I already knew that!)