Tuesday, October 23, 2007

18 Months!

I can't believe Jackson is 18 months old! That's a whole year and a half! Where has the time gone? Our little baby boy is certainly turning into a little boy. He is still very curious, understands most of what we say, and is quite a big helper. I took him for his 18 month well visit today, and here are his latest stats. He weighs 22 lbs. 7oz. (only 15th percentile---though he's getting over a stomach bug, so he's lost a bit of weight in the last week), 32 inches long (50th percentile), and his head circumference is 19 inches (60th percentile). He is developmentally on track (not that I thought otherwise), and now only goes back for well visits on his birthdays. This is quite a change from taking him in every couple of months, or every couple of weeks as an infant. It's so bittersweet to watch your little baby grow.

Jackson loves to read!
(As well as make a mess.)

He absolutely loves playing with the blocks his Aunt Rachael gave him.

Now how did this happen?
(The look on his face is because he can't figure out how to get back out.)

Always game for playing with the tupperware.

We're teaching him spelling at a very young age (just kidding).
What else would you expect from a mommy who's a teacher.

Making a masterpiece on his easel.
(He's also made a couple of masterpieces on the wall. Thank goodness for Goo Gone.)

Feeding himself oatmeal, his favorite breakfast.

Spaghetti! Yummy!
He tried using a fork, but found his fingers to be much better utensils.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the updated pictures! They are all cute, but I especially like the one where he is using the magnetic letters. He looks VERY smart! =)