Friday, April 11, 2008

Caleb is 1 Month Old!

So technically Caleb wont' be a month old until Thursday (Jackson's birthday), but he had his one month well visit today. Caleb now weighs 10 lbs. even (50th percentile) and is 21 3/4 in. long (75th percentile). He's such a sweet little boy!
We've all adjusted well to being a family of four, and Jackson still can't get enough of his little brother. He said "Caleb" for the first time the other day, but hasn't said it since. Usually he just calls him "baby" or "K". I am just so head over heals in love my two little boys. I am certainly blessed beyond measure!

Easter with the Family

This year, we had Easter dinner at my parent's house. It was such a relaxed evening just hanging out with our family (except when Jackson was messing around and fell out of his chair at dinner---don't worry, he's fine). This was also the first time Caleb and Evan (my nephew) got to meet. I can't believe we went from one little boy to three so quickly, and feel so blessed to have them all in my life!

Jackson, ready to eat.
(Even though his booster seat wasn't in the chair yet.)

Caleb and Aunt Rachael

Evan and Caleb meeting for the first time!

Evan giving Caleb a kiss. Awwww!

Caleb and his Easter basket from Grammy & Grandaddy.
(I'm sure he'll be a little more excited next year.)

Jackson tearing through his Easter basket.

A quiet moment with Mama.

Look what the Easter bunny brought!
(I couldn't help myself. It was just too cute!)

Easter Morning

(Sorry it's taken me a while to get these posted. The boys are keeping me pretty busy these days.)

We were able to spend some special time with Jackson on Easter morning, since Caleb was still asleep. Jackson LOVED playing with everything in his Easter basket, though especially his new "too-too" (train) and his Backyardigan silverware. We also had a little egg hunt for him in the living room for fun. Then Daddy & Jackson went to church. Caleb & I stayed home, since I wasn't really ready to go anywhere yet & Caleb wasn't even a week old.

Happy Easter, Jackson!

New cars!

He loved his new "too-too"!

Ready for an egg hunt!

Look what I found, Mama!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Josh and I have been dyeing Easter eggs with his family every year since we started dating. Fortunately, we were able to carry on the tradition this year, since they were visiting after Caleb's arrival. This was the first time Jackson was able to participate. He had fun, though the experience was very short lived. I'm sure he'll be at least a little more interested next year.

He made red, white, and blue eggs (self chosen colors).

Quite impressive for his first time.

Jackson got ahold of the camera and took these two pictures himself.

Easter Egg Hunt

Every year, our church has an Easter egg hunt for all the kiddos the Sunday before Easter. A wonderful couple at our church has been hosting it since before Rachael & I were born, and we both participated every year as children. This made it extra special to take Jackson for the first time this year. It really brought back so many memories. I can't wait until Jackson, Caleb, & Evan can all go together next year. We had a couple Easter egg hunts in our living before hand, so Jackson knew what to do when he got there. It was so cute to see how excited he got every time he found an egg. He could have cared less that there was something inside, he just wanted to collect the eggs.

Yeah, I found an egg!

Proud of his finds.

Their neighbors had a couple horses that came to say hi to the kids.

Jackson wasn't too sure what to think.

Oooooo. . . . another egg!

Mmmmm. . . candy!

Mr. Cool playing outside after we got home.