Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cool Whip Art!

One evening, Jackson and I got a little stir crazy. I had done shaving cream art with kids in my days as a camp counselor, and decided to use some left over Cool Whip to do Cool Whip art with Jackson. He wasn't so sure what to think of Mommy plopping a bunch of Cool Whip on the kitchen table at first, but got the hang of it pretty quickly. I must say it added a lot of fun to our night. Josh was certainly shocked when he saw the pictures. What can I say?

Is it really okay to touch it?

Hmmmm. . . .what should I do with this?

Going in, face first.



Are you sure I'm not gonna get in trouble for this?

Oooo. This is FUN!

Belly full of Cool Whip!

Time to get cleaned up!


Anonymous said...

This looks like fun! I hope that you had as much fun as Jackson did!

Anthony, Stacey and Parker said...

How adorable!! You are a brave mommy! What a fun idea though! We may have to give that a try sometime.